Principal Thoughts 2024// Issue 19: Keeping The ‘Good Ship Earth’ On Course

Keeping The 'Good Ship' On Course

I recently witnessed a memorable scene to truly gladden the heart of a teacher, parent, grandparent and concerned citizen. I was suffering fatigue from all the negativity, sad stories, controversy and societal confusion that had been thrown at me, as it is thrown at most of us via our radios, phones, computers and TV. Curiosity means that you are drawn to watch it and keep up with what is going on. But much of what is presented is very bleak and perhaps that is sadly the reality of the World. In this age of knowing so much, it seems ironic that this knowledge doesn’t help as much as it could to keep our “Good Ship Earth” on a reasonable course.

Back to my good news story which came to me happily via a short movie sent to my phone. A young fellow from Alice, aged about 9, was playing in a cricket game in Darwin. This was his first time travelling for sport, but knowing Alice well, it won’t be his last. It was the final day of the series and he went out to bat. The boys on the other side seemed much older than he and were certainly much bigger. He walked out to the centre of the oval, took block, and faced the first ball which came at him at a fair pace. He missed it and on the fourth ball was comprehensively bowled. He turned to leave the pitch, but then walked over to the bowler and shook his hand. The other boys on the opposing side, instantly recognising good old fashioned sportsmanship, all gathered around and clapped him. He then walked off the oval with great dignity and the sound of their appreciative clapping in his ears. I will never forget this - it is such a positive on a sea littered with negativity.

Last week I visited some schools for the Block Grant Authority. It was a privilege to do the visits with two excellent educators from Darwin and to share stories about schools, teaching and education was a pleasure. The schools we visited were wonderful places of learning, all very different but all presenting education in their own unique way, with the purpose of serving their school communities.  

I came away from these visits being affirmed in the importance of the role of good schools. Good families, good schools and other supportive organisations provide a stability which is essential in this age of “The Good Ship Earth” trying hard to navigate over a choppy and wild sea. It is disastrous if young people don’t have these supports. Essential in these pillars is the role of a good adult example. Children learn so much from observing and relating. I am a huge believer in accepting that everyone who works at a school, regardless, of their job, will influence children through their example. At St Philips, a maintenance person who was with us for years became the school philosopher and though he has passed on, he is acknowledged by a plaque on a huge rock. He had spent years as a soldier, seeing action overseas, was deeply but quietly religious and had an unrivalled understanding of humanity. What enormous value he provided and affected the lives of many students. 

For some students the only stability in their lives is their school and of course the teachers in it. As Principals it is always valuable to remind all staff about their value in this regard. All of us can remember, I’m sure, certain staff members from our school days. There will be particular things from the staff members who remain in our minds. As a teacher you can’t control what students absorb and, when meeting former students, it is often surprising as to what of you they remembered. When recruiting teachers it is those who have the capacity to relate who are most desirable. I employed an English teacher once who was inspirational. He was a practicing poet. He was such a character and the students really were inspired by him. Well after he had left, I asked a former student who had been their favourite teacher. Yes, it was him and the former student had been really inspired by him. Sure the teacher wasn’t good at sticking to the curriculum, but students hated missing his classes. Well, I’ll not interfere with your thoughts about solving such a conundrum.

But it seems today that anything goes. The wonderful power of the Internet has so many positives, including sharing knowledge, solving problems and offering a supportive social media. But this is undermined by the unsupportive, negative social media. The attempts by Governments to control this seem futile. The money social media companies make is huge but the harm they allow is far reaching. One negative post can have such a terrible effect on a person. The viscous nature of the US election campaign is all there for people, including children, to see and surely the negative example set by noted World leaders is absorbed because they are simply noted public characters regularly presented to the world. I find this incredibly worrying. Today there seem to be few boundaries. All this makes life hard and confusing for children as they are growing up. 

Sixty Two years ago I was in the under 11 cricket team and was playing at Geelong. I was a mad keen cricketer and valued being in the team. It was on a weekend and my parents had come down to watch. I padded up (no helmet in those days) and as a wicket fell I went out to bat. I can remember the boy at the other end and as fate would have it, he became quite a musical star. The ball was bowled and was hit and he called me through for a run. It was unfortunately not hit far enough and I was run out. Well wasn’t I “cheesed off”! Unlike the 9 year old above, I stomped off, thumping my bat on the ground. I thought my parents would share my disappointment. “No siree!” My father was instead furious and gave me verbal “what for” which was accompanied by a silent trip back to Melbourne in the two tone grey FC Holden. I’ve never forgotten that and have spent the rest of my life as an advocate of good sportsmanship. You see, my father made it quite clear and was really keen that I learn, that good sportsmanship was far more important than winning. I remember that vividly but can’t remember anything else about the game. And, you know, my father was so right and indeed the 9 year old has learnt this valuable lesson early and is now contributing to keeping “Good Ship Earth“ sailing in a helpful direction.

Written by Chris Tudor

March 31, 2025
There are so many thought-provoking ideas that emerge from our wonderful group of AISNT Schools, all of which have their own individual character. Understanding these schools can lead to a Principal developing new ideas for their own school. The school I’m profiling this week is Sattler Christian College whose motto is: “Growing in Wisdom- Learning to love”.
March 31, 2025
AISNT would like to welcome Ian Smith to the team as the Director of Independent Indigenous Schools, bringing a range of experience and skills. His teaching stretches across from South Australia, Mildura and the Surfcoast of Victoria, before heading to Bathurst Island, part of the Tiwi Islands, NT. Ian and his family returned to Mildura, before heading north once more, this time to Tiwi College on Melville Island, and finally to Haileybury Rendall School in Darwin. This broad experience underpins a fine understanding of the complexities of education in Australia covering a variety of schools: encompassing small and large, from Government, Independent and Catholic, to Aboriginal and boarding schools.
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