Independent Schools in the Northern Territory

In Australia, the education system comprises three sectors: Government, Catholic, and Independent schools. The Association of Independent Schools of the Northern Territory (AISNT) represents Independent member schools across both regional and remote areas. These schools play a vital role in Australia's education framework, contributing significantly to the wellbeing, safety, and learning of students.

The diversity of Independent Schools is valuable, reflecting differences in size, location, and student demographics. Many of these schools offer cultural, religious, or focus on specific educational philosophies. They may operate as stand-alone institutions or within a schooling system, such as NT Christian Schools or Lutheran Education.

Independent Schools are accountable to their governing bodies and must comply with laws and government policies. However, their operational flexibility allows them to innovate, respond to community values, and meet the needs of their students.

There are 26 member schools, and 36 campuses across the NT.

AISNT has an International Member School located in Dilli, Timor Leste

All Independent Schools in the NT are co-educational

There are 10 Independent majority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Schools across the NT

There are two Independent School systems in the NT.

NT Christian Schools | Lutheran Education

There are 6 Independent Boarding Schools in the NT

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